7:30am | Kids' Breakfast
In the retreat house kitchen, we'll have cereal and toast available – help yourself!
8am | Morning Prayer
9am | Breakfast
10am | Morning Session
After worship all together, the kids will head out for their own session!
11:30am | Coffee Break & Kids' Snack
12pm | Communion
1pm | Lunch
1:45pm | Time to go home

7:30am | Kids' Breakfast
In the retreat house kitchen, we'll have cereal and toast available – help yourself!
8am | Morning Prayer
9am | Breakfast
10am | Morning Session
After worship all together, the kids will head out for their own session!
11:30am | Coffee Break & Kids' Snack
12pm | Seminar
1pm | Lunch
1:45pm | Church Walk / Outing
5PM | Groups Time & Kids' TV
We'll spend time with our midweek groups, chatting about the weekend so far & praying together.
6PM | Dinner
7PM | Soaking Worship
8PM | Evening Session

3pm | Arrival
Join us at Minsteracres any time from 3pm!
5pm | Kids' TV
With something to watch on the screen, we'll also have pens & paper available.
6PM | Dinner
8PM | Evening Session
10PM | Pub Quiz