weekend away 2025
We Can’t Wait!
Minsteracres Retreat Centre
Nr Consett
County Durham
Clothes, toiletries, pyjamas
Bible & notebook
Coat/warm clothes
Wellies/Outdoor Shoes
If you would like to bring some baked goods for our coffee breaks, or some games to play in our free time, that would be more than welcome!
St Luke’s Kids Info
We have made sure that family accommodation is accessible and appropriate with regards to number of people and proximity to the venue of our evening sessions. If you have specific questions or concerns, please get in touch with kids@stlukes.church.
Travel cots will be provided for those who request them! This includes bedding, although you may choose to bring your own.
Kids’ meals will be provided at the same times as the grown ups’ meals: 9am, 1pm, and 6pm, in the dining hall in the main building.
Additionally, cereal and toast will be available from 7:30am - 9am in the retreat centre kitchen for self-service early breakfast, and if you wish to bring additional food for your kids, you're welcome to use the kitchen facilities in the retreat house at any point! Do let us know if you have any questions.
We will be providing some content for kids during the morning session on Saturday morning, which will relate to the adult teaching throughout the weekend.
We’re also planning some outdoor activities for the kids (weather dependent!) during seminar slot on the Saturday morning, and we’ll show a kids’ film before dinner on Saturday evening. For any other programme information, please check out the downloadable file at the top of this page!